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Our LUDENS team operates with the firm support of donations from companies, friends and the general public, interested in collaborating to have a better society .

En efectivo

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Cash donations can be for play equipment (balls, jackets, and more), medical supplies, transportation, maintenance.

In species

Donations in kind can be: recreational material (reading books, drawing material, handicrafts, game material), medical material, transportation to meetings, training uniforms, professional time, recreational and cultural spaces, courses for boys and girls and adolescents, among others.


The support with an annual scholarship allows the student to integrate 100% avoiding absence due to limited resources. With a fee of $ 1,900.00 MN per year, you will get the satisfaction of supporting a child or adolescent in their individual and social development.


Únete como voluntario dando tu tiempo, conocimiento y energía para apoyar el desarrollo de nuestros programas a través de:


  • Prácticas Profesionales

  • Servicio Solidario

  • Servicio profesional Pro Bono

Aceptamos donativos en especie nuevos o en óptimas condiciones que pueden ser:


  • Material lúdico (casacas, balones, conos, colchonetas, aros, platos, vallas, escalera, rebounder, etc.)

  • Material educativo (tablets, de arte, manualidades, Lego, etc.)

  • Material botiquín primeros auxilios (alcohol, jabón quirúrgico, algodón, gasas, microspore, curitas)

  • Transporte a actividades

  • Uniformes de juego y/o para sesiones de juego

  • Espacios recreativos y culturales

  • Talleres para niños, niñas y adolescentes, entre otros

  • Material de limpieza y sanidad (detergente, suavitel, bolsas para basura, gel antibacterial, sanitizante, cubrebocas)


Donor visibility

AT LUDENS we offer our donors spaces to spread their brand in meetings, social networks, magazines, posters, calls and on our official website on the internet, achieving a great reach in society.

The donation is destined for sports equipment, recreational activities, teacher support, medical material and contribution for the development of the cognitive-behavioral aspect of our students.

For more information on the visibility benefit, contact us through our e-mail.

With your contribution, our students improve each day.

The donation, in currency or in kind, made to the Ludens AC Social Sports Training School, will receive a deductible receipt that covers its receipt.

For more information contact us through our e-mail

Next projects

Play area, Library, Comic library, Art and recreation, LUDENS Center

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